HUD Just Shook Up the Housing Market—Here’s What That Means for Kitsap County
HUD’s Latest Move: What Just Happened? Did you know the federal government just dropped a major policy change that could impact everything from affordable housing to who gets to live where? No? Well, buckle up, because this is one of those moments where real estate and government policy collide in a way that affects all of us—especially here in Kitsap County.
HUD (the Department of Housing and Urban Development) just officially terminated the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. I know, that’s a mouthful, so let’s just call it the “AFFH Rule”—or, if we’re feeling a little dramatic, the “Housing Fairness Rule That’s No Longer With Us.”

Ferrying to Freedom: How Bremerton’s Ferry Connection is Revolutionizing Affordable Commuting from Seattle
When it comes to commuting in the Pacific Northwest, there's no shortage of colorful characters, quirky commute stories, and laugh-out-loud mishaps—especially when you’re hopping on a ferry instead of being bumper-to-bumper in traffic. But did you ever stop to think that your daily ferry ride might be more than just a scenic escape from the chaos of urban living? In this blog, we’re diving headfirst into the value of transportation access with a special focus on Bremerton, where the ferry connection to Seattle isn’t just a way to get from A to B—it’s a lifeline for those hunting for affordable housing outside the metropolis without sacrificing all the fun of city life.